What makes photography special to you?

What fascinates me about photography is that it can be just a snapshot – you see something, you hastily get out the camera and a special moment is captured on a photo that will never come back again.

On the other hand some of our photos are the results of more than 200 tries. For the first set we have taken a photo of a hand that is rolling 3 dices – we wanted to create the perfect shot with dices both in focus and in motion. And this took forever while we were sitting on the carpet of my living room floor that can be seen in the background.

So for me photography can be both – spontaneity and meticulous planning.

What is your dream/wish for the ccards..

Frauke and I are having so much fun when we are taking pictures for the sets. So my wish is that we can just go on making new sets – for the enjoyment of the moment when we take them or discuss the selection of the next set.

What is your favorite picture of the C.Cards (set no. 1 or 2.) and why?

My favorite picture in the first set is the tiger taking a bath. It seems to be perfectly relaxed; a leaf is sitting on its head. Although the photo is taken through a window in the Zoo of Hannover is seems very natural. And I am a fan of both wild cats (esp. tigers) and wild dogs (wolves).

In the second set I have two favorites: The kite surfer on the northern sea – which is an example of the snapshot. I had only taken my small camera and the sun was very bright and reflected by the surface of the water that I could not even see if the surfer was in the picture at all when I took it.

The second one is the egg. This is one of the ones that took forever to be perfect – taken in the afternoon sun on my balcony. It took as so long that in the end the egg was almost cooked in the sun which can be seen on the surface. But the perfect star shape reflections are marvelous.

You worked a lot with the set, what is the most most valuable moment.

So are so many great moments. In some groups – in which the participants already know each other a little – we let them select two pictures that they like. And then they do not use is for their own introduction but their neighbor has to connect his/her own life to these photos – spontaneously. If you only have 5 seconds to think people sometimes reveal details that are very funny or surprising that would not have come up in a planned way.

The other moment that really touched me was when a dear colleague sent pictures from Afghanistan where he used the cards with a group and left them there. Knowing that the cards are really meaningful for people around the globe is wonderful.

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