The cards are also used in Afghanistan: in a Cooperation between a German and a local non-governmental organization.

I cannot imagine a training without Caleidscopio Cards
Nadine Binder “By now I cannot imagine a training without Caleidscopio Cards – I love using the cards for discussing participants’ expectations or evaluations in intercultural workshops and I am also using them in executive education programs, for example to support the process of drafting a vision. The cards allow participants to gain a new, visual approach to different topics and I am amazed again and again which processes are triggered by that!”

Use of the cards in international or diverse groups
” I really like to use the cards in international or diverse groups, since pictures often express better than words what you want to say. Especially when you have participants in the room who are not so familiar with the language used, it works very well. Very often I start the day with the cards and let the participants tell something about themselves by using the pictures. For most of the participants the diversity of images triggers certain associations, memories or emotions. This makes the atmosphere more playful and alive. ...

Choose 1 card, which shows you about who you are personally.
The first day of the leadership trail was a long table full of caleidoscopio cards (with green and pink back). After a check-in (how are you, how was your morning) eleven participants told themselves about the question: Choose 1 card, which shows you about who you are personally. It was surprising how open everyone was. The images of the cards brought stories up about events with their children or parents, the team. Everyone listened carefully and gave room to the stories and to their own emotions. Four months later in ...

All around the world
The Caleidoscopio Card are used all around the world. Here you find some examples of where they are supporting learning and communication moments.

Start for an appreciative interview
Kris Snick (consultant by Kessels & Smit, Belgium) uses the Caleidoscopio Cards a lot in his work. “What image tells you about a quality that you use as a guide to an intervision?” This was an assignment and initiation for an appreciative interview. A conversation about your qualities and challenges as a facilitator for an intervision.

World map
The Caleidoscopio cards are used worldwide. Browse this world map to find out which countries they enrich trainings and coachings.

Using picture cards as a tool in workshops: Caleidoscopio Cards
November 2015 I had the opportunity to participate in a workshop around innovation where the Toolbox for Innovation by Kessels & Smit was presented. I found out about the workshop by Frauke Schmid-Peter whom I know via the betahaus for a quite a while, Frauke works as a trainer and coach with K&S. The toolbox itself would also be worth an article, however, what impressed me the most were the visual methods Frauke uses and introduced to us during the workshop. Therefore let me give you a short impression of ...

There are probably hundreds of ways to make the most of the cards – feel free to use them creatively. The included booklet is filled with suggestions intended to help you to make best use of the set and to discover additional methods. We have identified six areas in which CC can be used: Getting to know each other and getting started Giving feedback Boosting creativity Developing teams and solving conflict Project planning Coaching